Friday, September 17, 2010

She ain’t 16, and can’t consent, even if she DOES live in your storage unit.

     It used to be in Georgia that a man’s home was his castle, and in that castle, he made the rules.  Period.  He didn’t have to answer to no lawman when he took to a beatin’ his mouthy wife, and he didn’t have to ask for no identification card before he took to a havin’ sexual relations with that special-delivered Vietnamese prostitute.
     Well times have changed indeed good sir, and although we can long for the day when our land will be ruled purely on a cash basis as Ayn Rand envisioned (where men live on magical islands worshipping golden idols in the shape of dollar signs and require the exchange of cash for each and every personal favor); today we live in an imperfect world where the ability to pay is not the sole guiding moral force.
     Lo, even though you won that internet auction fair and square and had that 15 year old girl shipped first class to your home, you will have to wait until she is 16 before you can claim her glories. In fact, you best keep your fingers completely off those goods, as your certainly welcome caresses can result in even longer jail time than if you throw caution to the wind and have full blown sexual intercourse with her. The fact of the matter is that intercourse with her has a minimum sentence of 1 year as “statutory rape” but penetrating her most holy of holies with your well manicured and anti-bacterially washed finger has a minimum sentence of 25 years as “aggravated sexual battery.”
     It matters not, good sir, that she spent the last 11 years in a Bangkok brothel servicing vacationing German sex-tourists, or that she can do things that would shock an L.A. porn star.  Neither her experience nor her apparent willingness will save you in a Georgia court. It is best that you go back to your utopian literature, and follow your intellectual pursuits for the next year making yourself a better husband to her, and dream your dreamy dreams of future marital bliss made possible only because of the magic of the internet.
     We will perhaps have to address in a timely manner the 13th Amendment and its application to your current housing arrangement with her, but for the moment, just remember to check her air supply, and do give her a fresh honey-bucket.  And talk to a good Georgia Defense Attorney.