Men were men, women were women, and beating children in public was as Apple Pie as driving home with a beer in your hand. Texting while driving wasn't even a glimmer in the eye of Steve Jobs, who was still masturbating to the posters of Princess Leia hanging up on his bedroom wall.
Nowadays, all those "liberal elites", who in between controlling the news media, pushing for funding for abortions, and giving all your hard earned money to the lazy and indolent are trying to make us soft on crime by not allowing parent to impose their God given right to beat their children in public.
Image that!
And not only do those "liberal", leftist, Socialist America haters not allow parents to raise their children the way they want to, they don't even let the village that they think is supposed to raise them help out!
Just check this case out !!
The Supreme Court of Georgia had the audacity to reprimand a trial judge who allowed the parents of the child to use his whip and beat the child in the courtroom.
Doesn't it just make you miss the good 'ol days??
America is just going to hell today due to all these damn supposedly enlightened people running around telling you that beating children creates trauma and mental issues later in their life. Next they will be saying that you can't have sex with with your stepchildren. Geeesh. Why do you think he married that broad in the first place if not to get next to her hot 16 year old daughter. This is the South you know. It's a TRADITION! And people shouldn't mess with established TRADITION!!
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